Sunday09 March 2025

Starting December 1, changes will take effect impacting housing and real estate. What can residents expect?

Starting December 1st, residents can expect a number of changes. These updates pertain to the payment of utility services and the process of property registration. What should be kept in mind for the upcoming month?
С 1 декабря вступят в силу новые изменения в сфере ЖКХ и недвижимости. Какие изменения ожидают жильцов?

In December, the validity of several documents related to homeowners will expire. Srbuи Ivashchenko, a leading lawyer at the "European Legal Service," explained what needs to be done before the end of 2024.

The lawyer provided recommendations regarding land law and real estate. She noted that the process of registering properties in the cadastral register is currently free, but only until the end of 2024.

— Therefore, hurry to register your real estate in the cadastral system before the end of December. After the New Year, this procedure will become paid, meaning a state duty will be introduced for it, — emphasized Srbuи Ivashchenko.

Юристы рассказали, что жильцам нужно успеть сделать до конца 2024 года. Фото © ТАСС / Артём Геодакян

Lawyers explained what residents need to accomplish before the end of 2024. Photo © TASS / Artyom Geodakyan

Until January 1, 2025, a specific preferential procedure for calculating and paying penalties is in effect if there are debts for utility services. This applies to payments for housing, contributions for major repairs, and bills for gas and electricity, as well as for solid waste management (SWM).

Currently, penalties for late payment of utility services are calculated based on a key rate of 9.5%. The preferential calculation procedure for penalties will end on January 1, 2025. Starting next year, penalties will be calculated based on the current key rate of the Central Bank. The rate is currently high, and consequently, the amount of penalties will increase.

— If you have any debts but cannot pay off the entire amount immediately, it is essential to contact the service provider (management organization, utility company, regional capital repair fund, regional waste management operator). You can enter into an agreement to repay the debt in installments to avoid being left without electricity, gas, water, or sewage services at New Year, or facing account freezes and forced debt collection, added Srbuи Ivashchenko.

Thus, the validity of specific provisions concerning penalties (fines, late fees), other financial sanctions, and other forms of liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under shared construction contracts will expire. The period for the transfer of shared construction objects to participants will also end. The timeframe during which self-regulating organizations (SROs) in the construction sector can issue loans from their compensation funds to their members will also come to an end.

В конце 2024 года истекает срок действия ряда льгот. Фото © ТАСС / Семён Лиходеев

At the end of 2024, the validity of several benefits will expire. Photo © TASS / Semyon Likhodeev

— The provisions established regarding the project documentation for capital construction objects, for which construction permits were issued before January 1, 2023, and for which operational permits have not been issued, will expire. The provisions governing state expertise of project documentation for certain capital construction objects, as well as the issuance of construction and operational permits for such objects, will also cease to be in effect, — explained Srbuи Ivashchenko.

At the same time, lawyers reminded that the rules for managing common property of homeowners in apartment buildings have changed. In particular, for the installation of any devices on the building's facade, a simple majority of owners' votes is now sufficient, meaning 50% + 1 vote. This was reported by Vladimir Kuznetsov, Vice President of the Association of Lawyers for Registration, Liquidation, Bankruptcy, and Judicial Representation.

— Furthermore, the rules establish the minimum number of owners' votes required to make decisions on transferring common property for use by third parties – non-owners. For such a decision to be considered adopted, the consent of 2/3 of the apartment owners is required, documented at a general meeting. This concerns the provision of premises, for example, for stores, added Vladimir Kuznetsov.

Additionally, owners whose negligence caused damage to common property are required to cover the costs of repairs out of their own pockets. Thus, if damage to common property occurs due to residents' carelessness, they must independently pay for the repairs.