Sunday09 March 2025

Starting January 1, there will be more benefits for retirees, and payments will increase. Here’s how to access them.

Starting January 1st, a number of significant changes are expected that will affect retirees, including those related to benefits. What legal adjustments will take place and how much will payments increase?
С 1 января пенсионеры получат больше льгот и увеличенные выплаты. Узнайте, как их оформить.

Starting January 1, 2025, amendments to Federal Laws No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" and No. 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" will take effect. This was reported by leading lawyer of the European Legal Service, Oksana Krasovskaya.

According to the changes, individuals who reach the age of 80 or are classified as disabled of the first group will receive a care allowance. This will amount to 1200 rubles, serving as an additional supplement to the fixed payment of their insurance pension.

Previously, there was a compensatory payment that was also credited to the pensioner's account, which was established upon the request of the pensioner and the individual providing care. However, there was an important nuance: to receive this payment, the caregiver had to be unemployed. Furthermore, the compensatory payment was not indexed.

— From January 1, the allowance will be indexed annually, just like the pension itself. Additionally, the Pension Fund will automatically assign this allowance to all pensioners who are 80 years old or disabled of the first group. This will also apply to those who previously did not have care arranged and were not receiving a compensatory payment with their pension. Starting in 2025, widows (widowers) of servicemen and participants of volunteer formations who care for the children of the deceased (deceased) breadwinner may apply for a pension due to the loss of the breadwinner, noted Oksana Krasovskaya.

Pensions will be granted without the need to confirm dependency status, regardless of age, work capability, or employment status.

According to current legislation, pensioners who are not employed and whose total material support, including all allowances and benefits, is below the subsistence minimum, can receive a social supplement to their pension. This is adjusted to the subsistence minimum set in the region.

Пенсионеры получат доплаты. Фото © Shutterstock / FOTODOM / Prostock-studio

Pensioners will receive additional payments. Photo © Shutterstock / FOTODOM / Prostock-studio

In most regions, the subsistence minimum will increase starting January 1, 2025. For instance, in Moscow, pensioners who have permanent registration and have lived in the capital for over 10 years are expected to see their supplement rise from 24,500 to 25,850 rubles. There are pensioners who receive minimal pensions but do not have permanent registration, only temporary or have lived in the capital for less than 10 years. For them, the supplement will be adjusted to 17,897 rubles.

Oksana Krasovskaya also mentioned that the subsistence minimum for pensioners will increase in the Moscow region from 15,735 to 16,600 rubles, in St. Petersburg from 14,220 to 16,623 rubles, in Leningrad Oblast from 13,954 to 16,318 rubles, in the Republic of Bashkortostan from 12,530 to 13,573 rubles, in Perm Krai from 12,227 to 14,030 rubles, in Sverdlovsk Oblast from 13,156 to 15,098 rubles, and in Chelyabinsk Oblast from 12,280 to 14,030 rubles.

— Pensioners will be able to expect an increase in subsidies for utility payments. In some regions, an expansion of the free public transport program for pensioners is anticipated. This may include additional routes or an increase in the number of discounted seats. In several cases, pensioners may also be eligible for additional tax deductions or exemptions from certain taxes. It is important to note that specific benefits may vary by region, so it is advisable to check with local authorities or branches of the Pension Fund, — explained Irina Panova, head of the "Insurance Broker AMsec24" branch.

Starting January 1, 2025, pensions will be indexed for all pensioners, both working and non-working. The increase will affect individuals receiving old-age and disability insurance pensions, as well as insurance pensions due to the loss of a breadwinner. The rate of indexing will be 7.3%.

— The fixed payment for the old-age insurance pension will increase to 8728.73 rubles from January 1, 2025, and the value of one pension coefficient (IPC) will be 142 rubles and 76 kopecks, — added Oksana Krasovskaya.