Sunday09 March 2025

Mutceniece spoke about a serious injury she sustained while filming.

Actress Agata Muceniece shared details about a serious injury she sustained while filming a movie.
Муцениеце поделилась подробностями о серьезной травме, полученной во время съемок.

Actress Agata Mutsenietse shared how she sustained a fracture during the filming of a movie. Her words were reported by

According to Mutsenietse, the injury occurred due to an awkward landing in an action scene.

“At the end of summer, we were filming a fight scene. I landed on my left leg in such a way that it resulted in a fracture. You won’t believe it, we did two more takes. But then I realized I was limping. Ultimately, I performed in a show two weeks later,” the actress revealed.

Earlier, it became known that Agata Mutsenietse spoke about her plans for 2025. She admitted that her main goal is to survive.