Sunday09 March 2025

In the UK, a feminist version of the ballet "The Nutcracker" will be staged.

Telegraph: A feminist version of the ballet "The Nutcracker" will be staged in Britain.
В Великобритании представят балет «Щелкунчик» с феминистской интерпретацией.

The English National Ballet is set to present a new version of "The Nutcracker," aimed at feminists. This was reported by the Telegraph.

It is noted that in this new interpretation, the main character Clara will demonstrate her strength and independence, defeating villains without the help of the Nutcracker, aided instead by suffragettes (members of the movement for women's suffrage — editor's note from ""). According to the creators' vision, the updated ballet will reflect the "emerging hopes, especially for women."

Previously, the world's first museum dedicated to "forbidden art" — Museu de l'Art Prohibit — opened in Barcelona. It will feature exhibits that have been censored at various times. One of the sculptures depicts a Bolivarian feminist peasant engaging in intimacy with the reigning king.