Sunday09 March 2025

Details have emerged about the condition of the four-time Olympic champion who has been admitted to intensive care.

"Match TV": Olympic champion Raisa Smetanina is conscious.
Обнародованы новые сведения о состоянии четырехкратной олимпийской чемпионки, находящейся в реанимации.

The nephew of four-time Olympic champion in cross-country skiing, Raisa Smetanina, Yuri, shared updates regarding his hospitalized relative. Details were provided by "Match TV."

Yuri mentioned that Smetanina was transported to Saint Petersburg with the assistance of the skiing federation and sponsors. "Her condition is serious, but she is conscious," he added.

It was reported on December 14 that Smetanina had been admitted to intensive care. It was clarified that the former skier suffered a stroke and is on a ventilator.

Smetanina is 72 years old. In addition to her four gold Olympic medals, she also holds five silver and one bronze Olympic medal. Furthermore, she has won the World Championships four times.